Embro GmbH
Falgardring 4
08223 Falkenstein
Tel.: +49 (0)3745 / 75985-0
Embro GmbH is represented by its CEO: Markus Flechsing
Chemnitz Registration Office, HRB 27763
Vat Reg. No. DE 286205136
Tax ID: 223/108/04499
Responsible for this website’s content in terms of § 55 RStV (German Interstate Broadcasting Treaty): Markus Flechsing, CEO
Before sending us any cease and desist letters, simply contact us. If you find that we have made mistakes on this website, please inform us about it. We are ready to make necessary adjustments and corrections to our online presence. However, we reject all kinds of unwarranted fees.
1. Content of this Online Presence
The author of this website does neither guarantee nor can they be held liable for the correctness, completeness, or quality of the contents of this website. The author rejects all liability claims that arise from using or not using the information presented on this website. Moreover, all liability claims based on faulty or incomplete information displayed on this website are rejected as long as it cannot be proven that the author intended harm to third parties or acted grossly negligent.
Everything offered on this website is non-binding and subject to change. It is at the discretion of the author to delete either parts or the entire website without any special notice. Furthermore, the author is free to change, to add to, to delete, or to take offline this online publication at any time.
2. References and Links
This website contains links to the websites of third parties. Embro GmbH has no control over these third-party websites, which is why Embro GmbH cannot be held accountable for the content of them. For each linked website, the respective service provider is responsible for the contents published. Before publishing any link, Embro GmbH screens the linked websites for potential illegal conduct. However, it is not possible for Embro GmbH to monitor all linked sites constantly without any notification about legal concerns. As soon as the author is notified about illegal conduct on any linked website, the link on this website is deleted. In addition, we are responsible for any information we provide to third-party websites (§7 sec.1 TMG). Nevertheless, according to §§ 8-10 TMG, we are not obligated to monitor or investigate the activity of unknown third parties even if they use the information we provide on our website. The obligation to delete or ban the usage of information in accordance with general laws is not affected hereby. Any liability claims can only be made as soon as the author was informed about any violation of the law. As soon as we are informed about any violation of the law, we will delete the respective content immediately.
3. Copyright and Trademarks
The author is committed to honoring the copyrights of all authors of pictures, graphs, audio files, videos, and texts used in any publication on this website. Alternatively, the author intends to use their own pictures, graphs, audio files, videos, and texts, or royalty-free material with proper indication.
All trademarks presented on this website are subject to the current trademark law and ownership rights of the respective owner. The mere mentioning of trademarks on this web presence does not indicate that the trademark is not protected by the rights of third parties.
The author reserves all rights, including the copyright, on any object of their own making that is shown on this website. The copying, the distribution, and the printed or electronic publication of any graphs, pictures, audio files, videos and texts that were created by the author of this website, is not permitted without the explicit approval of the author.
4. Enforceability of this Disclaimer
This disclaimer is to be seen as a part of Embro GmbH’s website, which is the website that references this disclaimer. If any part or formulation violates current law in any way, the rest of this document remains valid. Moreover, in the case of any dispute, the German version of this document shall be binding.