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Unique in an international comparison: the largest serial embroidery machine in the multi-head area

Since the beginning of January 2022, a new 5-head series embroidery machine has been embroidering individual customer orders in our production area. In order to meet the high demand for series orders, we have invested in this new machine from the ZSK Stickmaschinen brand. What is special about this system is its size in the multi-head area, which is unique in the world. With its five CNC-controlled heads, it can work simultaneously and produce very large elements measuring 2,450 x 1,500 mm. Due to the high embroidery speed, large-area applications can be created in a very short time. With the modernly equipped embroidery heads, a wide variety of wires and other strand materials can be laid on the textile surface with the highest precision.

Areas of application for the new 5-head series embroidery machine can be found in the production of heating elements and heat mats, for sensor integration and for smart textiles.

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#industrialheating #textileheatingmat #large-areaembroidery